In my last post I left off with us heading to the hospital yet again. So here we go with the second half...
After the ambulance left with my husband I got the kids settled and headed to the hospital I left about 15 minutes after they did and yet when I got to the hospital I went to the window to ask what room he was in and they told me he wasn't there. For the next 15 minutes I spoke with the attendant telling them I knew they brought him there, to which she asked me if he was brought in as a drug overdose. I couldn't believe what she was asking. I didn't even bother to answer nice on that I told her in the most blunt yet forceful terms that he under no circumstances came in as a drug overdose. So yet again I was stuck waiting to get some information so I could go see my husband who was barely conscious. Finally she calls me up and says that he had been brought in as a drug overdose and I could now go back to see him. I was furious and couldn't figure out what idiot would assume that seeing as how the EMT in charge was the same one who responded to the call on Monday the day of the accident. The EMT hismself told me he was the first responder to the original accident so he knew the injuries yet somehow after telling that to me he puts on the paperwork that he was a drug overdose. So finally I was told I could go back to see him. When I got back to his room a nurse was in there treating him like crap drawing tubes of blood for a drug test and the whole time she was in the room she was rude and disrespectful to him as if he was a drug addict.
For the next two hours they left him there to suffer and did nothing to help him. They kept coming in telling us they knew about his pain and they would do what they could but then they would leave and let him suffer. It took 3 hours before they finally gave him something. During that time his pulse was all over the place, his pulse ox was dropping into the lowers 80's and he was out of it. The doctor came in and told us they were going to do another CT scan and go from there. By now I was angry; after a massive accident to which he rolled his truck they sent him home and now they were repeating the same exact test they did the day of. Everyone knows that CT is not the scan to use for back and neck injuries MRI's are best for seeing the damages done to spine and neck. So I tell them they need to do one, but they tell me they want to wait for the swelling to go down. I looked at them like they were idiots. They wanted to wait for however long for the swelling to go down and let him walk around with unknown spinal injuries.....can u say lawsuit? Moving on though finally they come in and tell me that they stand by their original diagnosis that he has a severe concussion and since he fell and took a new hit to the head they were worried that he could suffer a TBI if he were to get another hit to the head. Then once again they wanted to send him home. This time I threw a bit of a fit and told them that he can barely walk he is severely dizzy all the time and can't stand on his own, they need to admit him for a night or two. By this time his 1SG was there and was also asking that my husband be admitted. Even the nurse agreed with us that it would be better for him. After about two more hours the doctor came back in and finally told us that he ran his decision to admit my husband by the head of the trauma department and the head of the department said since he wasn't critical the answer was no. So here we were on our way home yet again. This time though they gave me some meds that help him sleep.
It has been almost a week and his headache hasn't subsided, his vision is blurry, and he can't stand up without getting dizzy. In addition to that he is suffering severe back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain. He can only sleep if I give him his meds otherwise he lays awake trying to get comfortable.
His first appointment with his PCM is on Monday and I am concerned about what they are going to do for him. I have had very little help from the medical staff here so far. I have had people tell me that the army only cares about getting him back to work, so far from what I have seen on the medical side that seems right however on the other side the soldiers in his company seem to only care about his health and him getting better. I just want them to find out what is wrong with him so we can decide where to go from here.
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